Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Gallery - Something I am proud of...

This week the theme of The Gallery is 'Something I am proud of'.

Yes, really.... I have chosen, Me.

I am of course as any parent, proudest of my daughter but that seemed too easy so here we go....

I am proud of myself. (I feel a bit like I am at AA saying that out loud.)

I am proud of my mothering skills.
I am proud of my ability to smile during chaos.
I am proud of the patience I show when other people act like arseholes.
I am proud of my career, of holding it down while being a mother to a toddler.
I am proud of my history. The tough decisions I have made; of my ability to get through seemingly impossible times.
I am proud of myself.


  1. You really are too cool Mrs!
    I admire you for putting yourself up as what you are proud of (after T-Lo of course) and for holding down a career and looking after your toddler I don't think I would manage and look so fabulous at the same time x

  2. Too right, sometimes it's easy to forget just how bloody fabulous we are as women and mothers :) xx

  3. Here here, being a working Mum is hard work, you have very right to be proud of yourself!

  4. A great answer and uber cool and refreshingly to read such confidence and self-belief x

  5. I think it's great...we forget about ourselves all the time and don't give ourselves enough credit for's like they say on a plane "put your own oxygen mask on first before you help others"

  6. Aaaahhh this is lovely, We are all quick to be proud of our children and families so lovely to see you are proud of your self too x

  7. That is good and you have a lot to be proud of yourself there - and am sure much more you haven't listed

  8. Fab post. We mums do have a lot to be proud of - good for you for putting it out there for everyone!

  9. Good for you going for yourself. Be proud of who you are - a great motto!

  10. Go sister! Great attitude, well done xxx

  11. I agree! we are proud of our kids, but we should also be proud of us, because both life and motherhood aren't easy, are they? (beautiful photo btw)

  12. Well done you, could I have some of your patience? To balance a career and motherhood is something that isn't coming easily to me so I really admire that!! How women spin all these plates I've yet to figure out.

  13. What a fantastic post and too bloody right! You should be proud of yourself, you're fab. And bloody gorgeous to boot!

  14. And so you should be too xx

  15. You rock. x

  16. I am sure you would cope I thought the same when I was on MAT leave but it all falls into place.

  17. Self love is the best love to have! hehe!
