Friday, 25 February 2011

The Car Seat Conspiracy?

When I was in London a few weeks ago for an event the PR company used a car service that transported us from one venue to another.

As I climbed into the car with Tabitha I realised there was no car seat and asked the driver if he had one we could use.

To my surprise the driver lent over and flipped the back panel of one of the back seats down and suddenly there we had a car seat. The panel created the lower base at a raised level and the harness was built into the back of the seat ready to go.

Photo courtesy of Ford.

Obviously this is not suitable for under 9kg babies, but am I alone in thinking why the hell are we not all being sold these as a standard option in all our new cars?

The answer perhaps lays here in this video of the great Steve Levitt of Freakonomics fame and the relationship between car manufacturers and car seat makers.


  1. Lauren "Real Housewife"25 February 2011 at 20:38

    Wow! Thats a fantastic idea.
    When we were shopping in the city last year and had to take a taxi we were told it ok to just have my son on my lap. I hated it!!
    Within 2 minutes he had already opened the door, the taxi driver pulled over and put on the child looks but still, the way taxi drivers speed around and drive makes me think I'm more likely to be in an accident in their car than my own!

  2. I was really impressed with it and she looked really comfortable. I always worry about the seat being fitted right and this meant there was no issue.

    So why doesn't every new car have one, thats what i want to know?

    I might start a campaign!

  3. I really don't know what to make of that! Stunned and feel like I need to go and do lots of my own research. All the (and Ive done lots) research I've done o car seats has been about different types, not against none.

    Can it really be true?

  4. This guy is the nuts on stats.

    He is arguing that the seat as a separate component is unnecessary after 9kg approx. I think its interesting stuff.

    Those kids in the normal seat belt certainly look more stable during the tests don't they?

  5. AAaaaaah! Can't get the volume on my laptop to work :-( But the fold down car seat does look fantastic! Will try again tomorrow - want to know what it's all about x

  6. Why hasn't thiis concept been adopted by car manufacturers? It takes up less space in back of car and if you had 3 kids you wouldn't need a people carrier!
    Such a simple idea aswell! As Victor Meldrew would day "I doooooonnnnnt belieeeeeeeve it" !!!

  7. I'm guessing its something to do with a unspoken/highly profitable deal between car makers and car seat makers.

  8. I'm guessing its something to do with a unspoken/highly profitable deal between car makers and car seat makers.

  9. Wow how nifty! That is awesome! If only all taxi's had them!

  10. We did have them in Canada - I believe it was Toyota vans. My friend had one of the vans till last year. But they're not CSA (Canadian Safety Association) approved any longer.

  11. Hmmm... this is all I could find about safety, though. Q14 and 15 on this page

  12. Thats interesting isn't it.

    From the filming of the crash tests the seats really just seemed to bounce the child about more didn't they? I would have thought the side impact areas were only needed to protect the child from the actual seat after watching that film.

    I believe many UK approved seats are not allowed in US and Canada. I'm going to try and give this some more time and reading, there may well be a follow up post.

  13. How I wish I had asked too! I sat there on tenderhooks for those few minutes worrying about my toddlers not being strapped in for the first time ever.

    Yes it certainly would be amazing if every car had the seats ready fitted in them!

    Go Campaign Mumra!

    Mich x

  14. That is such a clever idea, I'm not keen on it being in the middle seat but it is such a simple idea! I'd use it on The Boy!

    Fascinating video as well, thanks for sharing!

  15. The one we used wasn't in the middle, but could only find this picture online.

    I have written to some car seat and car companies for a follow up article.

  16. What a great idea. Would love a way of fitting 3 kids in the back seat of our car nd this could do it!

  17. Blimey, I'm sat here a bit stunned by that video. Not just for what Steve Levitt talks about but how many laptops does the guy need to do a presentation?

    No, in all seriousness that's a real eye opener. I can't believe how the kids in normal seats look better off than those in car seats!

  18. I loved this post and found it intriguing when I first read it, still love it now. Wish more cars had these seats in them.

    Thanks for linking it up to SOSC.

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