Since May 2010 Twitter has taken up much of my time and has helped me not only build my blog but also built many good friendships with other mums, without which those 3am feeds and moments of madness would/could have finished me off.
I have enjoyed the ups and downs of Twitter; the dramas of blogworld rolled out in passive aggressive tweets between rivals, the heated debate of people who just love an argument, but mostly the support of complete strangers offering advice and ((hugs)) when needed.
I have laughed out loud (for real!) and found great comfort in the humour of other mothers struggling with their daily lives just like me. I have worried about them during difficult times, I have shed tears for them both in happiness and pain, and offered helpful advise to try and support them.
I have, as have they revealed my life through 140 character snippets to nearly 3,000 people a go for several years and now it is time to close the net curtains.
I will be truly honest my recent move stems from these realisations:
I have wasted precious time on Twitter when I should have been playing with my daughter.
I have neglected my relationship and friendships to chat to thumbnail images who I will never meet.
I have neglected myself.
I have left myself exposed and its not sitting well with me anymore.
The future is about focusing on me and the two people I love most.
Don't get me wrong I will miss the community but I hope the people who I connected with most will continue to keep in touch via other means.
I hope that everyone else will remember me and my life as fondly as I remember them and feel honoured to have been allowed to peer into their lives 140 characters at a time.
So that's it.
@mumrablog RIP